The Nankipooh Enquirer "Covers the South like Sorghum Syrup"
P. O. Box 1849
Nankipooh, Georgia
DATELINE September 12, 2013:
"Do Nothing"
By: Scoop Biggers
Down in Nankipooh we have a saying, that if a man don't know nothing about farming, or teaching, or running a store, or anything about work at all, then he must be a politician. We have had plenty over the years that fit that bill, and I have found that the best of the "Know Nothings", are the "Do Nothings, because at least they don't make things worse!
When I was in California during Jimmy Carter's campaign for President, people out there asked me what kind of Governor he had been, and I said that as Governor of Georgia he had been pretty much a "Do Nothing" After his 4 years in office as President, many of us wished he had been a "Do Nothing" President.
Now there has been a lot of criticism for a number of things the sitting President has done in the last five years, and now he is being taken to task because of things that he doesn't do. For instance the following quote from the AP:
By Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — "Some of President Barack Obama's top allies say the president misread a few crucial political forces when he asked Congress to support his bid to strike Syria.
Chief among Obama's missteps, they say, was underestimating the nation's profound weariness with military entanglements in the Middle East, fed by residual anger over the Iraq war's origins, and overestimating lawmakers' willingness to make risky votes 14 months before the next congressional elections.
"I can't understand the White House these days," said Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., an early and enthusiastic endorser of a strike against Syria over last month's chemical weapons attack."
Out of touch even with his own party, is right in line with being out of touch with the American people on almost every topic. He makes Jimmy Carter look like a Rock Star! Maybe Obama is on the right track after all, because the things he does are worse, than when he does nothing.
"Just my opinion"
Scoop Biggers
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